Step 7: Center the name of the character speaking, and double - space dialogue.
第七步: 将说话角色的名字放在中间, 空一行写对白.
互联网Maximum length: 15 pages, with double - space interline and 12 pt font size.
最多为十五页长度, 两倍行高,字型大小为12.
互联网Spcing ( in bold ) : contaction objective, exprience, education , additional skills should be double space.
以下排版建议: 黑体字体, 双行距,靠左对齐.
互联网Each line in the envelope address is separated by double space.
互联网Should I double space?
我应该隔行打 吗 ?
互联网Please double space it.
互联网Double - space the essay , and use standard margins.
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